Emboldening Success:
Crown Fundraising for African Female Titans

In the dynamic realm of African entrepreneurship, one in four women ventures into business ownership or management. Yet, only a select few ascend to multi-million-dollar enterprises. Proudly embracing these women in our Invictae private community, we recognize their unique challenges in accessing affordable capital.

In 2021, the cost of capital for African energy projects skyrocketed sevenfold compared to Europe and North America. Navigating international capital markets remains daunting due to currency fluctuations and exchange constraints. Availability, accessibility, and affordability of funds pose significant barriers to female leaders in male-dominated sectors.

In response, Invictae introduces Crown Fundraising—a visionary initiative for African high-net-worth female entrepreneurs, streamlining access to substantial financing and enabling trailblazers to maximize their impact.

Desert Invictae

What Sets Crown Fundraising Apart?


    • Unprecedented Scale: Transactions from $50 million USD and beyond ensure robust support for ambitious ventures.
    • Global Investment Network: Leveraging esteemed overseas investors dedicated to supporting high-return projects in Africa.
    • Market Access: Seize untapped global markets, expanding your reach and captivating new customers.
    • Impact Investing: Drive positive change with projects delivering financial returns and social impact.
    • Expertise and Experience: Harnessing 25 years of wealth management and fundraising expertise.

Eligibility Disclaimer: Only female members of our community are eligible. No political affiliation allowed. Start-ups and women aged above 70 years are not eligible.

Your crowning journey starts now.

Contact your personal fundraiser at
[email protected]
to initiate your journey with Crown Fundraising.