Opening a Gateway: Crown Citizenship By Investment


As proud African female captains of industry, we transcend continental boundaries in our global business endeavours. Yet, visa obstacles undermine both our ambitions and Africa’s prospects.

Did you know that over 40% of Schengen visa applications from Senegal face rejection? Visa success rates correlate with GDP per capita, with wait times exceeding 450 days in Nigeria and other African nations.

As African female industry leaders, we vehemently reject impediments to our growth. Hence, we’ve fortified our Crown portfolio with a game-changing offering: Citizenship by Investment.

What is Crown Citizenship?


It’s the accelerated acquisition of secondary citizenship and passport through investment in the host country’s economy, ensuring swift approval and unencumbered pursuit of ambitions.

Key Benefits:



    • Unleashed Global Mobility
    • Expansive Business Horizons
    • Strategic Tax Management
    • Fortified Security
    • Nurtured Family Prosperity
    • Access to Elite Education

Countries Offering Citizenship by Investment:


    • Antigua & Barbuda
    • Dominica
    • Grenada
    • St. Kitts & Nevis
    • St. Lucia

Minimum investments range from $100,000 to $1,000,000 USD.

In our commitment to breaking barriers, Crown Citizenship By Investment opens a gateway to global opportunities for exceptional African female leaders.

Ready to Transcend Boundaries?


Reach out to us at
[email protected]
for more details.